45 Free Eviction Notice Templates [PDF & Word] TemplateLab image source: templatelab.com
A letter of eviction, sometimes referred to as an eviction notice, is a document that gives a tenant a notice about a lease agreement. A landlord, for reasons either legal or personal, sends a letter of eviction to a tenant, usually for non-payment of rent or other violation of the lease.
The landlord gives a specific date, time and place for the tenant to pay the rent. In both cases the landlord must send a notice to the tenant.
Most landlords send a letter by certified mail. The notice is also sent to the last known address of the tenant. It is possible for the landlord to include a copy of the eviction notice with the notice or to have the notice delivered to a different person. However, this is not common in the majority of situations. In fact, most landlords do not try to make any contact between them and the tenant at all.
When the tenant does not pay the rent on time, the landlord must send the notice. It should state the date, time and place of the non-payment. The notice of non-payment should be signed by the landlord and give the date by which the rent will be paid. In most cases the rent is to be received in cash. However, many landlords have found some ways to offer money for payment in an envelope, but this method may not always work.
In the event the tenant fails to pay the rent, a landlord can legally evict the tenant. This process can sometimes take several weeks. At this point, it is important to contact a lawyer or a housing court judge. A landlord should also let a court clerk or court official know of the eviction, so that the clerk can serve the eviction notice properly to the tenant.
An eviction notice is a document that helps the landlord to get his tenant evicted from the premises. It is usually sent by certified mail, but it is possible that the notice may be sent by phone or email.
An eviction notice does not have to be served in person. The landlord is not required to go to the tenant’s home, but in most cases the eviction notice should be served at least 30 days prior to the date of the first day of the rental agreement.
Eviction is a serious matter. Many people get into serious trouble because they are unable to follow the rules and regulations of the law. For example, a tenant who has failed to pay rent on time may have an eviction warrant filed against him or her. If an eviction is done incorrectly, it may result in jail time and a hefty fine.
The landlord should be careful not to threaten the tenant or to leave before the court order to evict is served. Once the court has served the eviction notice, the landlord should never attempt to contact or try to contact the tenant again in an attempt to collect back rent, or ask the tenant to pay the balance.
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